To add nuget packages right click on your test project and choose Manage NuGet Packages then pick Browse and search for them.
Projects will continue to work in earlier version of Visual Studio and your build server will not have a problem with this since all they need is located inside the test projects now. You can also remove all previous references to earlier test dll:s in your test projects.
Microsoft Test
- MSTest.TestAdapter minmium 1.1.4-preview
- MSTest.TestFrameworks minimum 1.0.5-preview
- NUnit3TestAdapter minimum 3.5.1- NUnit minimum 3.5.0
I havn’t had the option of updating a xUnit test project but according to Microsoft, it should be:
- xunit.runner.visualstudio minimum 2.2.0-beta3-build1187
- xunit minimum 2.0
- xunit.runner.visualstudio minimum 2.2.0-beta3-build1187
- xunit minimum 2.0